Thursday, April 8, 2010

What’s in a name anyway?

I’m sure I am not alone and many women can relate with having their kids names picked out since they were 8 .. okay maybe 12. I figured it would be smooth sailing as fa
r as picking a name once I had a baby since I have had my favorite names since I was in 6th grade. Well for those of you who read my post about finding out the sex of the baby (if you haven’t .. go check it out Those in favor of surprises.. please sit down) you know that this was something my husband and I greatly disagreed on. Well .. big disagreement #2 .. THE NAME. I have always loved a particular boy’s name. It just so happens, my mother in law also loved the name and used it for my husband. Most people would think perfect .. you’ll have a junior, a lot of men want to name their first son after themselves so its win win situation. No not for me .. not for this wife. My husband REFUSES to name our son after him. I even suggested giving the baby a different middle name so my husband can avoid the Jr. element and the initials would also serve as a cute nickname. No luck.

So we spent weeks .. months even researching names. We bought the book of 100,001 Baby Names when I first found out I was pregnant before we even knew we had a little boy on the way. Of course in my mind I figured yeah we’ll look at the book but at the end of the day I love this name and I’m sure that’s what we’ll use. I couldn’t have been further from reality. My husband and I went back and forth making lists of names we liked and not being able to match one name on each other’s list. We then decided to put the name search on hold so we didn’t end in a feud every night and hoped once we found out the baby’s gender it would inspire us to get our creative juices flowing on the same page (go ahead … let out a chuckle).

After it was official .. we are having a boy! .. it was time to hit the pavement again on the name train. I tried to “promote” my name suggestion, but my husband was not having it. I am even guilty of trying to form an alliance with my mother-in-law and convince her to convince him that we should use his name. Now as luck would have it, I happen to have the mother-in-law everyone dreams of who never buds in or pushes us to do anything so there was no chance of a gang up on my husband. She told us whatever we chose for a name would be wonderful.

I like Italian names, which my husband hates and thinks are too “ethnic” while he likes all .. odd names- or at least odd to me. We FINALLY agreed that we wanted something different but not over the top. I also didn’t want something that was in the top names for the past 10 years. There are so many “different” names that we liked but have recently become popular .. Carter, Jayden, Gavin, Ethan, Aiden, Chase, Logan , etc etc .. this name game just hit a new level!

So here we are sitting every night going through 100,001 names in that baby book that I swear lists the same name 1,000 times. Then hop on the computer to see what names we haven’t already looked though. And at the end of the night we end in “he’s just not going to have a name!” and stop the search.

So tell me .. what are your name suggestions!!?? How long did it take you to find a name?? And did you agree on the name with your significant other or did one of you pick it and the other one dealt with it??


  1. Boys are great. My first and second one are boys and are so much fun. This is such an exciting time for you. Great blog. What a nice memory for your baby! Following you from MBC
    Shelina Ishani

  2. I'll gang up on him with you about the name! LOL...It was my favorite boy name 11 years ago which is why I gave my son his name!
    If you can't agree on one yet wait until he arrives. Once you see him you will know what his name should be. Just have a few that you both like! I love the name Ethan!!! I got lucky when it came to naming our kids. I told Eric the names I liked and he agreed. There were no arguments so I have to assume that he liked the names or else he would have said something.

    Can't wait for our little ones to grow up together!!!!

  3. I like unique names. I like Italian names too ;)
    My favorite Italian boys name is Giovanni - Gio for short.

    For girls I love sweet names like Chloe. (kinda old fashionedish).

    My kids are W,X, Y, and Z


    Whitney, Xavier, Yasmine, and Zachary

    not born in that order, don't ask, I have no idea how this came about!!!

    Great Blog, introducing you SOON over at The Plus Size Mommy, I have the New Mommy tab all ready for you ;)

  4. Marc and I could not come together on a name for Jake for the longest time. Literally we were going back and forth for months (7 months) to be exact. We could not agree. I wanted Noah, he wanted something completely different (can't remember what) then I decided I didn't want Noah because I started seeing all these babies named Noah and then I wanted the name to be Ethan. Then it was something else. Everything I picked Marc didn't like. And vice versa. This went on until one night I had a dream and the baby's name was Jacob in the dream. We hadn't even considered this name but in the dream it just felt right. At this point I was in the hospital because of my horrible pregnancy and when Marc came to visit I couldn't wait to tell him. He came in the room saying he came up with a great name for the baby....Jacob. Well, safe to say our Jacob is now 12 and I still like the name although it did make the top ten baby name list the year after he was born (grrrrrr) Anyhoo, Marc and I never agreed on the names for any of the kids but when it was right, we both knew. My bottom line was I was the executive decision maker since I was the one whose body the alien had invaded for nine months. He got final say on the middle names (none of which I like except for Olivia's and that is because I picked that one out!) Good luck on the naming process!

  5. I like Richard Anthony myself...LOL

    Whatever name you choose, he will make the name great!
