Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Why a Blog?

Ahh the first post EVER. Always such an indecisive moment- why a blog? Do you start off with something obvious and witty like blogging is quickly becoming the main link to society and media. Or throw a little history in there like my mom has been blogging for about a year now and is always talking about the fab events and connections that come along with it. This is a monumental moment though, my first blog, my first post, the first look that the blogging world has of me. Guess I'll go with history and my mom since she is the reason I have a blog... plus she rocks so you can't really go wrong there right?

So my mom has been on me like white on rice to get my own blog going since I have such a strong desire for networking, PR, marketing, and the gift of gab. WE (I say we because yes it was a dual effort) decided that I need to stop dragging my feet and finally get into it, especially since I'm now expecting my first child!

My husband's family is from out of state so realistically, blogging would be a great way to keep them involved in my pregnancy (besides the weekly updates I send to everyone- this week baby is the size of mango- whoo hoo!) and meet a lot of blogger moms!

BUT I didn't want a blog JUST about being pregnant. I mean of course my pregnancy right now is the biggest most life changing event I have gone through to date (outside of getting married, graduating college, purchasing a house, etc) and mainly because its not over in a day. This is something that is going on day after day after day after .. well you get the point. I wanted something that I could use for me that encompassed everything I am .. expecting mom, wife, daughter, sister, niece, aunt, friend, student, shopper, worker, fashionista, or whoever else I am that day! I have much to say- as I'm sure most bloggers do, but I LOVE LOVE hearing other people's comments and opinions!

My life is pretty comical and more like an inexperienced game of beer pong rather than a box of chocolates. It has a bunch of victories, a few defeats, many moments of embarrassment, unconditional support, and it always ends in some kind of dance! I hope you enjoy my posts!!


  1. What a great first post... It's about time, you're going to Rock at this!

  2. I love the fact that you describe you life as an inexperienced game of beer pong! You hit the nail on the head with that one! I look forward to following your blogs! Love ya cuz!
