Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Mom Manual

A very good friend of mine and I always joke around that our kids didn’t come with Manuals and if they did how our jobs of being a mom would be so much easier. Our tagline could seriously be “add it to the mom manual”

It’s always nice to have people with children that you are close enough with you can bounce idea off or share stories. I mean let’s be honest here .. you don’t necessarily want to call just ANYONE when your 13 month old takes a nose dive off the couch. Only a close mom would understand that YES you were RIGHT THERE and YES he really DID trick you by creating a diversion and handing you his Itcy Bitsy Spider book.

Now granted, the Mom Manual would need to have various editions. There would be the Mom Manual- Conservative Edition; Mom Manual- Liberal Edition; Mom Manual for the Young Mom; Mom Manual for the Late in Life Mom; Mom Manual- the Progressive Edition and the Original Mom Manual.

These manuals would be handed out with your release papers from the hospital. That little form they make you sign that basically says “the nurse talked to me and told me what I need to do to keep my baby alive” would have a box at the bottom that says “CHECK HERE IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED YOUR MOM MANUAL”

It’s a genius idea. In my very short experience thus far of being a mom, I myself can write an entire Section on the “Eating”. That was such an overwhelming process. I’ll have to write a post on it. Coming soon!

What would you include in your Mom Manual??

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Walking Baby

There have been so many “firsts” and none (to date) have been as exciting (and tiring) as when my monkey boy learned to walk. He had been trying to stand since he was just a few months old. There were plenty of times months later when he would let go and try to take off, but gravity would take over and the end result would be a baby belly down. Everyone said “he’ll walk soon.. he’ll walk soon” But as I did with MOST of the things people said about his progress.. I ignored it.

Now… my little man wasn’t an anomaly and walking at 3 months. In fact, I think he was pretty average being that he started walking a week before his 1st birthday. But to me .. I was jiped. My baby is growing way to fast. I love to see him grow and learn things but I’m not one of those moms rushing everything. I am trying to indulge and enjoy every single second of every single stage. Plus he went from doing the wobbly Frankenstein walk- arms straight out bobbing from side to side, to a fast steadied bobble that is fueled with an angelic laughter. I guess I’m just not ready.

We had his 1st birthday party the day he turned 1. He was very wobbly but managing to make his way through the rugged terrain of our backyard with a few falls here and there. Just FOUR (that’s right .. 1..2..3..4) days later he was “off” with minimal falls.

At 14 months, he picked up even more speed and an even louder laughter! My husband and I became the infamous “no throw” goalies following him around and making sure all those potential dangerous items aren’t thrown onto the hardwood floors.

Then at 17 months, its faster than ever and hitting corners. When you say things like "do you want to take a bath" you can expect him to a loud "yahhhhhh" as his feet hit the floor and he flies down the hallway.

Ahh.. another item for my Mom Manual.